Yes, even more on documents. You'll feel like a lawyer soon.

Corel says 'The render resolution options control the resolution of your final image.
These options do not affect the resolution of your working document; they affect only the final rendered image.
Eh? What you mean!?

If they spoke bad English, like me, they might put it this way...
Let's say you went to File > Document Setup and chose Square at a 1:1 Ratio for Render Resolution with a Document Resolution (your monitor working area) of 864x864 pixels.
(They also seem to have forgot to mention that this applies only when 'Constrain Proportions' is active/selected).

Here's what occurs:

This 864x864 square thing would be what you see on your MONITOR and would be the size of the Screen Render.
If you saved the resulting rendered image it would be 864x864 pixels. Right? Got it?
Obviously this effects both the working Document and FINAL RENDERED IMAGE.
But if you chose Square – now pay attention here - using a 1 : 0.50 Ratio (this is half by the way) for Render Resolution, your Working area (Document Resolution) will still be 864x864
But when you do a Screen Render the Image size will be 432x432 (Render Resolution).

Geez, just say ... ... ... ... ... "what you see on the monitor stays the same but the
rendered picture will be smaller/bigger if you select any ratio other than 1 : 1."
Sorry, labyrinthine explanations irritate me ; )

Here's a picture that tells what you need to know: